Step 1 Analyzing
- There are many forces that can act on a company; we call them Drivers.
Analyzing the Supply Chain and possible problems
In this step we will study your supply chain and your business environment, and we will read available market studies and business plans. We will set up two or three workshops with your specialists to discuss the dynamics and to look for the root causes of the issues. These root causes are then included in the "cause & effect" model, so the impact on your business can be calculated.
Supply Chain Behavior is quite constant
Every company is different. And every company has special circumstances that apply only on that company. Yet, all companies and supply chains also have a lot in common. For example, the response of the supply chain to a change in end market demand is quite stable and thus predictable. Flostock has developed a whole series of insights about these matters and publishes about it in the Flostock newsletter.
In the workshops we will investigate your supply chain and determine the number of steps downstream from you, the stocks and lead times. We may identify and contact some representative downstream companies and visit them and maybe even set up a continued customer collaboration for data collection. Representative key economic indicators for your end market(s) will be determined and data for multiple years will be collected. The output is that you will obtain insight in your supply chain. In other words: Your supply chain visibility will increase strongly.