Flostock and its ideas have been quoted by the following renowned companies and institutions:

Kai Hoberg (Kühne Logistics University) and Knut Alicke (McKinsey), "5 Lessons for Supply Chains, from the Financial Crisis", in Supply Chain Management Review, September/October 2013, page 48-55, describing best practices and citing as first reference the Flostock Lehman Wave article from 2009. Summary. This article was republished in the SCMR in May 2020 because of its relevance for the current crisis.
Article about the Credit Crisis made open access to help fight the corona crisis:
Udenio, M., Fransoo, J.C. and Peels, R.E.J., Destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis: Empirical modeling of supply chain dynamics. International Journal of Production Economics (2015). Click here for a direct download of the article. To support the scientific community in their current efforts to provide insights and innovative research for managing supply chains during and after the Corona-crisis, Elsevier and IJPE decided to make relevant research, including this Flostock/TUe article open access.
Other publications by and over Flostock
Robert Peels interviewed by Ron Hesse of GlobalAutoIndustry.com on June 5th, 2020 about the length of the supply chain (stock depth and reactive stocking) as a direct cause of bullwhipping. Published for an audience of 1 million viewers in the automotive industry.
Whitepaper 'Fasten your seatbelt' about the joined approach by Involvation and Flostock about building a supply chain model to predict the bullwhip in the automotive supply chain in the Corona Crisis.
Robert Peels, presentation with an update of the construction model because of the new CBS demographic figures, at the annual conference on business cycles (de "Conjunctuurdag") at the ING in Amsterdam on 29 January 2020 (in Dutch).
Robert Peels and Rolf Dankers, "A new forecasting model for the house price in the Netherlands", on www.mejudice.nl on 14 june 2018, explaining the pricing model for the Dutch construction markets (in Dutch).
Robert Peels and Rolf Dankers, presentation "Can we still prevent a collapse in construction from happening?", explaining the Forecasting Model for the Dutch construction markets and its imminent collapse at the Dutch Ministery of Domestic Affairs (22 January 2018, in Dutch).
Robert Peels and Rolf Dankers, "Building houses at full strength accellerates the collapse", on www.mejudice.nl on 14 September 2017, explaining the Forecasting model for the Dutch construction markets and its imminent collapse (in Dutch).
Michel van Eekert, presentation "The Prognose", on the Buildsight Day in Den Bosch on 6 September 2017, explaining the high accuracy of the forecast that Flostock and Buildsight made in 2015 for the Dutch construction industry.
Robert Peels, letter "Hit the breaks in the Construction markets" in the Financieele Dagblad of 2 September 2017 (in Dutch), arguing that if you want to change the construction roller coaster in a smooth train (like the construction branch suggested in a letter 25 August), the government should not accelerate, but hit the breaks before a bend in the road.
Robert Peels, letter "Woningbouw" in the Financieele Dagblad of 27 June 2017 (in Dutch), warning that stimulation measures for the Dutch Construction industry will only increase the coming surplus in houses, causing this industry and the house prices to crash early and deep.
Robert Peels, presentation "Modeling the Pork Cycle in the Dutch Construction Industry in system dynamics" at a conference about business cycles at the Dutch Central Bank in Amsterdam (NL), February 2017 (in Dutch).
Robert Peels, presentation "Fracking, Cracking and the Mass Balance of small cracker products" at ACI's The future of Olefins summit in Amsterdam (NL), January 2017.
Robert Peels, presentation "Fracking, Cracking and the Mass Balance of TPE precursors" at the conference Thermoplastic Elastomers in Aachen (DE), December 2016
Michel van Eekert (Buildsight) and Robert Peels, "Zet een rem op de woningbouw", published on Cobouw.nl (in Dutch), September 2016, warning for the collapse of the Dutch construction industry that is imminent if capacities are expanded and the full peak is supplied.
Robert Peels, Michel van Eekert (Buildsight), Rolf Dankers (Buildsight), "Prognosemodel voor de Nederlandse Woningmarkt, de dynamische relatie tussen bevolking, woningvoorraad en woningbouw verklaard", published by Buildsight (in Dutch), July 2016.
Di Ubaldo, Mattia, "Catalysts and Inhibitors of the Trade Collapse", draft August 2015, not published yet, quoting the 2015 Udenio article.
Udenio, M., Fransoo, J.C. and Peels, R.E.J., Destocking, the bullwhip effect, and the credit crisis: Empirical modeling of supply chain dynamics. International Journal of Production Economics (2015). Click here for a direct download of the article.
Robert Peels, "Understanding the Bullwhip in Polyolefins Value Chains", at the ICIS 4th World Polyolefins Conference in Amsterdam, March 2015 .
Martin Vlak (DSM). Robert Peels and Maxi Udenio (TUE), "More than a crystall ball; The credibility of market forecasts; The Lehman Wave waved till 2012", in European Coatings Journal, February 2014.
Jan Fransoo, presentation “Supply Chain Dynamics after the credit crisis: the Lehman Wave”, at Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg, on 6 November 2013.
Kai Hoberg (Kühne Logistics University) and Knut Alicke (McKinsey), “5 Lessons for Supply Chains, from the Financial Crisis”, in Supply Chain Management Review, September/October 2013, page 48-55, describing best practices and citing as first reference the Flostock Lehman Wave article from 2009. Summary.
Eben Upton and William J. Nuttall (University of Cambridge), “Fuel Panics insights from spatial agent-based simulation”,http://www.eprg.group.cam.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/1305-PDF.pdf in EPRG Working Paper 1305 Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 1309, April 2013, citing the Lehman Wave Publication from 2009 about oscillations due to a pulse.
Robert Peels, “The Amazing Influence of Inventory on the Economy” in Chemistry Today/ Chemica Oggi in January 2013, describing how Industrial Production can be calculated starting from end market consumption.
Robert Peels, article "Economie golft op voorraden in productieketens" op www.mejudice.nl economen in debat (in Dutch; click here for English translation) in October 2012, describing how Industrial Production can be calculated starting from end market consumption.
Robert Peels, presentation "A novel modeling technique for the supply chain allows scenario testing of strategic capacity decisions" at the conference of the European Decision Professional Network in Amsterdam (NL), October 2012
Robert Peels, presentation "Demand Forecasting in the paint & coatings market" at the European Coatings Association CEPE in Sevilla (ES) September 2012.
Robert Peels, cover article "Forecasting on inventory in the chain; Flostock predicts upstream demand" in Value Chain Management , (Dutch), July 2012
Robert Peels, presentation "New Algoritm to predict demand in the supply chain" at conference Supply Chain Innovations, in Lint (B). (Dutch) April 2012
Robert Peels, presentation "Optimizing demand planning as a key tool to Sense and Identify Demand Changes earlier and Respond Accordingly" at Logichem Europe in Antwerp, April 2012
Sean Milmo, article "The European Ink Report, The slowing European economy and higher raw material prices are serious concerns for ink manufacturers in 2012", in Ink World, April 2012, quoting the work by Flostock.
Peter van Bergeijk, “The World Trade Collapse and International Value Chains: A Cross-Country Perspective”, in International Economic Journal, Volume 27, Issue 1, March 2013, citing the Flostock Lehman Wave article from 2009.
Anita de Haas, article "Robert Peels predicts demand" on www.brabantsdagblad.nl (Dutch), February 2012, describing Flostock’s view on automotive.
Anita de Haas, article "Construction industry as a whole constitutes one-sixth of the economy", in Brabants Dagblad (Dutch), February 2012, quoting Flostock.
Anita de Haas, article "Demand Forecaster keeps close watch", in Brabants Dagblad (Dutch ), February 2012 describing Flostock’s way of working.
Article "Universiteit Eindhoven verleent software licentie aan Flostock" in Nieuwsbrief Supply Chain management Softwarevan www.Valuechain.be (Dutch), February 2012.
Rob Wile (BusinessInsider), "Here's what 8 Economic Cycle Theories say about the world today", October 2012, including the Flostock Lehman Wave in a list with a.o. Kondratiev, Schumpeter, Kitchin, Juglar, and Kuznets.
Heres Stad, article "Predict sales by looking at the supply chain" , on www.Logistiek.nl (Dutch), February 2012, describing Flostock’s approach.
Henk van Weert, article "Flostock model predicts turnover of companies" , in Eindhovens Dagblad (Dutch) February 2012
Eindhoven University of Technology, Press release about license to Flostock . Also in Dutch. February 2012.
Elaine Burridge, article "Crisis spurs new stock level model", in ICIS Chemical Business, page 39, December 2011, describing Flostock.
Robert Peels, presentation "Analyzing, Modeling and Predicting volatility in the long Coil supply chains", for European Coil Coating Association, 45th Autumn Congress, Brussels (B) November 2011.
Robert Peels, presentation “Forecasting demand in the coatings market in volatile times”, by at European Coatings Market Day "Coil and Can Coatings", organized by Vincentz in Berlin (D), October 2011. See also.
Robert Peels, article “Elevator pitch”, in Scope, Magazine van Studievereniging Industria & Alumni Vereniging Bedrijfskundig Ingenieurs of Eindhoven Technical University (Dutch), September 2011, describing the start-up of Flostock.
Philippe de Rougemont (Banque de France), “Inventories in the crisis”, Banque de France Quarterly Selection of Articles, No 21, Spring 2011, quoting the Flostock Lehman Wave article from 2009.
Robert Peels, presentation “How a Lehman Wave rampaged global chemical supply chains", at Logichem Middle-East for assembled supply chain directors of European Chemical industry in Dubai (UAE), May 2011.
Jan Fransoo, Professor of Operations Management & Logistics, webinar “Riding the Lehman Wave: Inventory Management and Sales Forecasting during the Credit Crisis” at SCM World, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). April 2011
Robert Peels, presentation “Has the Lehman Wave subsided?”, at Logichem Europe for assembled supply chain directors of European Chemical industry in Antwerp (B), April 2011.
Nahom Ghebrihiwet (Central Bureau for Statistics), “Inventories and the business cycle, Analysing Dutch inventories”, Discussion paper (201116) issued by CBS, 2011, citing the Lehman Wave article from 2009.
Robert Peels, presentation “The Cause of the Strong Industrial Dip in Industrial Production in 2009” at the Supply Chain Executive Summit in Antwerp (B), March 2011.
Jan Fransoo, presentation about the Lehman Wave at the University of Dayton (US), March 2011.
Robert Boute, Ann Noblesse and Marc Lambrecht (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), “The financial crisis and the de-stocking phenomenon in the Belgian manufacturing sector”, in Vives Briefings, January 2011, extensively quoting the Flostock Lehman Wave article from 2009.
Jan Fransoo, presentation about the Lehman Wave at MIT, Center for Transportation and Logistics (US), February 2011.
Maximiliano Udenio, article “Forecasting in times of crisis”, in Matrix magazine of Eindhoven University of Technology, pp 52 – 53, January 2011.
Robert Peels, Maximiliano Udenio, Jan Fransoo and S.Griffioen, article “Lehman Wave Shakes the Chemical Industry”, in Chemistry Today/ Chemica Oggi, pp 25-27,
January 2011.
Jan Fransoo, presentation about Lehman Wave at Dynalog, Tilburg (NL), December 2010.
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen, Charles van Marrewijk, “International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy”, Cambridge University Press, 1 aug. 2013, 2nd edition, citing the 2009 article about the Lehman Wave.
Richard Swedberg, article “THE STRUCTURE OF CONFIDENCE AND THE COLLAPSE OF LEHMAN BROTHERS”, in Research in the Sociology of Organizations (2010) Volume: 19, Issue: 4, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: 71-114, 2010, quotes the Financial Times article about the Lehman Wave.
Harrie Verrijt, article “Brabant not yet out of the Crisis”, in Brabants Dagblad, quoting Robert Peels on Lehman vision. (Dutch) November 2010
Walter Stein, Chapter “Sales forecasting in times of crises at DSM”, in book about best practices of European Supply Chain forum. October 2010
Jan Fransoo and Robert Peels, article “Predicting Inventories” , in Evo Logistics, p17 (Dutch), October 2010.
Peter van Bergeijk (Erasmus University), “Let’s assume the WTO is wrong: 6+1 hypotheses for the world trade collapse”, presented at the European Trade Study Group, Lausanne, September 2010, challenging the effects of supply chains.
Jan Fransoo, article “Crisis showed importance of logistics”, 1st and 2nd part, by professor Jan Fransoo in Nieuwsblad Transport, September 2010, describing the de-stocking theory.(Dutch),
Arend Clahsen, article “Inventories blind spot in economy”, in Financieel Dagblad, Augustus 2010, quoting Jan Fransoo about Lehman wave and DSM NeoResins (Dutch, available on request).
Arend Clahsen, article “DSM NeoResins hopes on game theory from the USA”, in Financieel Dagblad, Augustus 2010, quoting Robert Peels about Lehman wave and DSM NeoResins.(Dutch, available on request)
Jan Fransoo, Robert Peels, Maximiliano Udenio, article “Supply chain dynamics have major impact on course of credit crisis” in Journal of Operations Management, Augustus 2010
Anita de Haas, article “Enquete shows W-shaped recovery in industry”, in Brabants Dagblad , (Dutch) April 2010,describing a crisis survey under enterprises with cooperation of Flostock.
Robert Peels, presentation “The Lehman Wave ”, at Logichem Conference for assembled supply chain directors of European Chemical industry, April 2010 .
Robert Peels, Maximiliano Udenio, Jan C. Fransoo, Marcel Wolfs, Tom Hendrikx, Dimitri de Vreeze, article “Lehman Wave shakes the coating industry”, in European Coatings Journal, pages 2-4, April 2010
Jan Fransoo, Maximiliano Udenio, and Robert Peels, letter “A short economic dip is coming” , in NRC/Handelsblad.(Dutch), March 2010
Michael Steen, article “Lehman wave set to help track recovery”, in the Financial Times, December 2009.
Robert Peels, Maximiliano Udenio, Jan C. Fransoo, Marcel Wolfs, and Tom Hendrikx, article “Responding to the Lehman Wave: Sales Forecasting and Supply Management during the Credit Crisis”, as BETA Working Paper Series, nr 297 at Eindhoven University of Technology, December 2009
Robert Peels, presentation “Supply Chain effects in the credit Crisis”, at 10th Logistics Conference, Eye-On consulting, November 2009
Robert Peels, presentation “Supply Chain Effect in the Credit Crisis” by at economic Portoroz Conference, Ljubljana(with Bill Clinton!), Foto here, October 2009
Natasa Korazija, interview “Spremljajte dogajanje etc”, with Robert Peels, full page in the Slovenian Financial Times, (Slovenian), October 2009
Robert Peels, article ”The industry is past its lowest point seeing the current loss of turnover”, in Brabants Dagblad (Dutch) October 2009, with results of a survey under 500 companies;
Robert Peels, article “A company should know its end markets”, in Brabants Dagblad. (Dutch) September 2009
Jan Fransoo, letter “Economy is now recovering fast”, in NRC/Handelsblad, May 2009
Robert Peels, presentation “Sales forecasting in times of crisis”, at the European Supply Chain Forum at Eindhoven University of Technology, April 2009